Monday, April 27, 2020

Daily Doodle #17

Dear Timberwolves,

I am posting an oldie but a goodie for today's daily doodle.  Those of you who have had me as your teacher will know this one well.  I always have so much fun making them that I wanted to make another one for you today!  If you remember, we made these drawings when we were learning about symmetry because all 4 sides are the same.

In order to make a drawing like this, follow these steps:

1.  Start with a small shape in the middle.  I usually make a circle, but a diamond or a square will work too.

2.  Add four shapes around the middle shape.  You can think about your drawing like a compass on a map with a north, south, east, and west, or you can think about it with a top, bottom and left and right.  Notice in my drawing that I started with a circle, and then I added the light green triangles on the top, bottom, and both sides of the circle.

3.  Every time you add a new shape, add it in all four sides of your drawing.

4.  Color it in!

As always, if you make one you are really proud of, take a picture of it for me so I can see what it looks like and send it to

See you tomorrow Timberwolves,

Artfully Yours
Mrs. Starbuck

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