Monday, March 30, 2020

Introducing the Daily Doodle

Hello All!  I wanted to challenge myself (and YOU!) to draw for even just a little bit every day.  So....I'm introducing a daily doodle!  I'll post mine, and you can feel free to post yours in the comments.  Many of you will recognize this from the art room, but here's how I did it:

1.  I made a lot of tiny dots.  I like to make some close together and some far apart.  I made about 40 dots in total.

2.  I connect the dots however I feel like it.  Remember: I'm not trying to make a recognizable picture. I'm just having fun!

3.  I add a few extra lines here and there.  If some of the shapes I created when I connected my dots were on the big side, I drew extra lines to create more sections.

4.  Color it in!  If you don't have colors at home, you could do patterns in pencil or sharpie or whatever you've got!

In addition to my daily doodles, every Friday you can look forward to me uploading a video with a project to do at home.  Also know that I will be checking my e-mail every day from 1-3pm so if you or your family need any art guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out!  That's all for now BEU friends.  I miss you all terribly.  <3 Mrs. S


  1. Brooks and Beckett has fun with this! Thanks Mrs. Starbuck! Can’t figure out how to post a pic though! 🤪

    1. Oh man, I was worried about that! Thanks for doing the doodle! Feel free to e-mail me the pictures if you feel so inclined!
